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horia bonked 26 Jul 2024 08:34 -0700
original: machaddr@mastodon.sdf.org

Theo de Raadt, born on May 19, 1968, in Pretoria, South Africa, is a prominent figure in the open-source software community, best known as the founder and leader of the OpenBSD operating system project. Raadt's family emigrated to Calgary, Alberta, Canada, during his childhood, where he developed an early interest in computers and programming.

More about this bio at: https://machaddr.substack.com/p/theo-de-raadt-pioneering-open-source

#OpenBSD #Computer #science #opensource #programming #openssh #libre #security #code #operating #systems

horia bonked 23 Jul 2024 14:52 -0700
original: aa@mastodon.bsd.cafe

Recently I've been exploring what kind of music I can play using /dev/speaker (working on my OpenBSD, but should be available on other BSDs). As a result I can now pretty confidently (if slowly) read sheet music, I have a small (123 lines of C) preprocessor for adding comments to languages that don't have comments, and I have a small library of beep-melodies. I am hoping to polish, and have it released next week. In the meanwhile, here's the best one so far -- Imperial March from Star Wars (it goes on for about 1.5 minutes):

cat <<'EOM' >/dev/speaker
L4ddd<L8b->d- L4ddd<L8b->d- L4ddd<L8b->f L4ddd<L8b-b- >L4ddd<L8b-.>L16f L4d<L8b-.>L16fL2d
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L4dL8dd<b->d~<b- b->d~<b->ddL4d