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Things happen.

horia bonked 27 Mar 2025 12:35 -0700
original: tedu@honk.tedunangst.com

This relates directly to my explanation for why openbsd is "slow". Somebody does something dramatically stupid in a hot loop, but it happens to be optimized to hell and back on their platform, so they don't notice. Users will never blame the app ("works for me"), only the platform/os/etc.

Does anybody say tiktok is poorly coded? No, they say firefox is slow.


horia bonked 24 Mar 2025 07:38 -0700
original: tedu@honk.tedunangst.com

I haven't actually used honk on a thinkpad running openbsd for a while, and switched to firefox, so the note in the manual no longer seems accurate.

honk is designed to work with most browsers, but for optimal results it is recommended to use a 2015 or later Thinkpad X1 Carbon with 2560x1440 screen running OpenBSD and chromium at 150% scaling with the dwm window manager. This will enable the main menu to line up just right.

Well, it's possible it's still accurate, but I didn't bother installing chrome before leaving the house, and Firefox appears to scale slightly different, or maybe dpi changed because why wouldn't it be constantly changing, and now the menu isn't perfect.

horia bonked 21 Mar 2025 14:01 -0700
original: tedu@honk.tedunangst.com

In light of last night's adventure with the swollen battery, I'm now going through the house and finding all the old laptops and either bringing them up to date and giving them a full charge health assessment, complete with openbsd reinstall, or putting them in the danger pile.